Shadow Falls
Friday, 2 December 2005
Topic: Trailer
It was supposed to be a simple evening. A few of the actors had gone to see Barb's play (Freezing Antarctica) and were going to stop by Rob and Barb's place for cocktails and chatting. And Rob *might* show a few scenes from the trailer.

What happened, though, was that the three actors were treated to the full rough cut ... and the response was tremendous. After watching it five or six times, the rest of the actors were called and three more showed up. Rob doesn't like all the fanfare, but the words "brilliant" and "genius" were bobbing around the room like wet apples.

After seeing the rough cut on the big plasma screen, I don't see how we wouldn't be able to get funding for the feature. The trailer has great music, a creepiness factor, humor, romance, and a whole lot of death. And the ending shot, with Robin being held down by The Terror is the perfect way to end it.

This may very well be the beginning of something big.

Posted by blackroosterfilms at 3:16 AM PST

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