Shadow Falls
Thursday, 23 June 2005
Preliminary dates
Topic: Pre-production
We're hoping to shoot in the Fall. Definitely by the end of the year for tax reasons (a stipulation of getting the money).

I'm writing this entry about a month into the writing of the script. In most of my posts (at least the ones dated until mid-July), I am trying to relay the feelings I had on the entry dates (and doing pretty well, I might add). But I am diverting from this for this one entry, because it will be funny to put some things into prospective in my later entries.

Stay with me and you'll understand soon.

I'm quoting Rob here. This is what he said, verbatim, about the film, before even a page had been written: "We're obviously not hoping to take Sundance by storm with this film. We're not looking to get recognized as the next hot thing either. This is simply to make some money. So, with that said, I think we don't have to fret over everything as closely as we have on 23rd. I guess I consider 23rd a real movie and this horror project porn."

For the most part, anything Rob tells me will be paraphrased. But the above statement had to be quoted exactly as he said it, because as you will see soon, our feelings changed rather quickly. Rob wasn't wrong in what he said ... I saw it the same way. I was a screenwriting whore for a paycheck that I desperately needed, quality be damned.

But, as Rob freely admits now, the change in attitude was due to my strange surge of excitement in this project ... all because of an idea for one scene.

Posted by blackroosterfilms at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 November 2005 8:55 AM PST

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